RAFS 2025-01-25
- NO CHANGES in functionalities. Version bump to restore RAFS on CRAN after MDFS
was archived and restored.
RAFS 2024-05-11
- NO CHANGES in functionalities. Version bump to fix an issue in DESCRIPTION in that
the thesis advisor was missing despite obviously having impact on the library.
RAFS 2023-07-08
- Remove the redundant stig_from_ig_stable_dist. Please simply use stig_stable_dist.
The difference was only in the numeric precision of results (always negligible).
RAFS 2023-05-09
- Add functions for popcnt directly from the initial feature selection results (i.e., avoiding clustering).
RAFS 2023-04-29
- Export all built-in feature dissimilarity functions as 'builtin_dist_funs'.
RAFS 2023-04-24
- The initial public version.